Quality assurance

Quality assurance of electronic components is an important step in production to ensure that components meet specifications and requirements. Careful inspection of the quality of components is crucial to ensure reliable and long-term functioning of electronic devices.

In production itself, components are monitored and tested during manufacturing through a variety of measures. Most of the time, the verification is carried out by automated test systems. Every now and then, however, it requires additional manual inspections to ensure that all components meet specifications.


Electronic components (capacitors, resistors, diodes, transistors, potentiometer and chips)
Qualitätssicherung elektronischer Bauteile​ REM Aufnahme
SMD Bautele Qualitätssicherung
Airbagstecker Qualitätssicherung Elektroniklabor

An important method for the quality assurance of electronic components is the random sample inspection. Here, components are taken from production at regular intervals and inspected by us. These checks serve to detect and correct deviations in production at an early stage.

From materials testing, microsection examination and microscopy to environmental simulation and computer tomography, we offer a variety of laboratory tests to ensure quality.

Computertomographie Halbleiter Chip Check
Qualitätssicherung Elektrotechnik SMD Bauteile

Your expert

Dr. Fabian Schmidt
+49 8106 9941 33

Experte Elektroniklabor Fabian Schmidt