Functional tests

Chips, switches, resistors, etc. are used in electronic systems to control and regulate electrical signals. To ensure that your systems function reliably and do not malfunction, we can subject them to a functional test before use

Functional testing is usually performed in special test environments that are customized for the specific system.

We offer manual and automated procedures under various climatic conditions.

Display Funktionstest von elektronischen Systemen​
Tasten Schalter Funktionstest von elektronischen Systemen​
LEDs ChipCheck Funktionstest von elektronischen Systemen​

The tests performed as part of the functional test of switches include:

  • Checking continuity between contacts
  • Checking the switching function at various voltage and current levels
  • Checking the inrush current when loads are switched on
  • Verification of mechanical stability with vibration tests
  • Corrosion tests

Your expert

Dr. Fabian Schmidt
+49 8106 9941 33

Experte Elektroniklabor Fabian Schmidt