Chips, switches, resistors, etc. are used in electronic systems to control and regulate electrical signals. To ensure that your systems function reliably and do not malfunction, we can subject them to a functional test before use
Functional testing is usually performed in special test environments that are customized for the specific system.
We offer manual and automated procedures under various climatic conditions.
The tests performed as part of the functional test of switches include:
Gesellschaft für Werkstoffprüfung mbH
Qualität sichern | Entwicklung begleiten | Schäden analysieren | Wissen weitergeben
GWP Gesellschaft für Werkstoffprüfung mbH
Georg-Wimmer-Ring 25
D-85604 Zorneding/München
Tel. +49 8106 994110
Fax +49 8106 994111
Handelsregister München
HRB 53245
USt.-IdNr. 131 179 893
Dr. Julius Nickl